Audio | Services

February 11, 2018 Morning Worship

Vine Street Baptist Church was pleased to welcome Trevor Komatsu and his family today.  Trevor preached during the service while Pastor Spencer was away this weekend.

The service began with Derek Minton reading Psalm 131, and was followed by Jacob Hatcher leading Soon and Very Soon while the entire congregation sang.

A time of fellowship was given, where everyone greeted one another and welcomed each other. Derek returned to the platform and gave some announcements.

  • Bible study tonight, led by Jacob Hatcher
  • Business meeting tonight after Bible Study
  • Ruth series continues next week with Spencer preaching from Ruth 2
  • Next week will be the last week for the Hatcher family. A pot luck lunch will be held after the morning service.
  • The Statement of Faith study series starts next Sunday evening.

Derek prayed for the service and for a sister church in Louisville, then the ushers collected the offering.  Jacob and Jaime led the gathered in more singing

  • I Saw the Light
  • When My Heart is Torn Asunder
  • It is Well With My Soul

Derek read today’s sermon text, then Trevor delivered the message. More about him can be read at the end of this page.

The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer.  Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.

Date Reference Title Speaker
January 28, 2018 Philippians 2:1-11 Unity, Humility, and the Example of Christ Trevor Komatsu

After the sermon everyone stood and sang Be Thou My Vision during a time of reflection.

Derek closed the service with an invitation for anyone to speak to a pastor after the service about church membership, becoming a Christian, or to discuss today’s sermon. He read 2 Corinthians 13:11 as a closing scripture and then dismissed the group.

Trevor Komatsu grew up on the Hawaiian island of Maui. He came to Louisville and studied at Boyce College where he earned a BA in Biblical and Theological Studies. He is currently working on an MDiv in Christian Ministry at Southern Seminary.

Trevor has been married to Amber for four years. They have a son, and are expecting a baby girl in July. Soon, the Komatsu family will be moving to Jacksonville, FL, where Trevor is now on staff at the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). In his spare time, Trevor is learning the accordion.