January 13, 2013 AM Service
An usually warm January day brought many members and guests to Vine Street Baptist Church.
Today’s service started with Deacon Wally Jeffries reading Psalm 36:5-12 and saying a prayer. Associate Pastor of Worship, Chris Wells, led some familiar hymns:
- How Great Thou Art
- Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Wells welcomed everyone and encouraged everyone to greet each other during a time of fellowship. Pastor Ben brought the gathered back together with a few announcements.
- Today’s message will be presented by Dr. Phillip Bethancourt
- Regular Wednesday night activities including Prayer Meeting and SMART Kids
- Welcoming of special guests
- Baby Shower for Corey and Jenni Duncan
Pastor Ben ended this part of the service with a pastoral prayer, then Gunner Stinsen read 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 before Wells led in more songs
- The Wonderful Cross
- Here is Love
Donny Aebersold prepared everyone for the tithes and offering with a prayer, then Wells introduced Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me) to the congregation. He asked everyone to join him in singing the third stanza.
Bethancourt brought the next message in the “Great God, Great Mission” series. The full audio can be heard by clicking on a date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
January 13, 2013 AM John 15:9-17 Great God, Great Love (Phillip Bethancourt)
At the end of the sermon, Wells led the second stanza of The Wonderful Cross during a time of reflection, and Pastor Ben closed the service with a benediction.