June 12, 2016 Morning Worship
“Hot and muggy,” is what the meteorologists are saying on the news about today’s weather. That, however, did not prevent a number of members and guests from gathering at Vine Street Baptist Church to learn from the Bible and to sing praises to God.
The abbreviated worship service began with Deacon Donnie Aebersold reading Psalm 9:7-12 and saying a prayer. Worship Leader Jacob Hatcher led the congregation through Victory in Jesus, then invited everyone to great one another during a short time of fellowship.
After all the hugs and handshakes, Associate Pastor Brandon Saunders presented a few announcements:
- Today – Malachi 2:17-3:15
- Tonight – 1 Samual 29 presented by Justin Francis
- Special Called Business Meeting after Morning Worship. Discussion is on the Call of Spencer Harmon to the ministry of Vine Street Baptist Church as Senior Pastor
- Church Camp in two weeks. Post card distribution this afternoon at 4:00pm
- Ladies Bible Study continues on Saturday afternoons at 4:00pm
- Pastoral concerns
After the Pastoral Prayer, Jacob read Ephesians 3:14-19, then Jaime Hatcher led everyone in singing Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross. At the end of the song, Deacon Joe Gross said a prayer and then the offering was collected.
Today’s message is the next in the series on the book of Malachi. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
June 12, 2016 AM | Malachi 2:17-3:15 | Two Different Coming of the Lord. | Brandon Saunders |
After the sermon, the congregation sang Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross, then Saunders closed the service in a scripture benediction.