November 1, 2009 AM Service
Donnie Aebersold opened today’s service with a reading from Psalms 111, then prayed that God would show Himself to those gathered and those not able to be here today.
Minister of Worship and Praise, Johann Kim, summarized the Psalm’s message of remembering our faith and what God has done for us. He then encouraged everyone to stand and join in singing
Like a River Glorious
We Fall Down
Lord Have Mercy on Me
O Church Arise
After a time of welcoming each other with hugs and handshakes, the choir ensemble sang Jesus is the Song, with the congregation joining on the final stanza. During the Pastoral Prayer, Interim Pastor Ben Dockery reviewed the topics of Mark’s first 12 chapters. The questions and topics previously covered were:
Are you proclaiming the kingdom
Are you missing Jesus
Are you living the words and the works of Jesus
Who do you say that I am?
Are you clean?
Do you understand?
Are you on mission?
Who is Jesus?
Who can be saved?
Have faith in God
The traps presented to Jesus
This week: When is going to happen?
Joe Gross read Colossians 3:1-17 just prior to Ronnie Allen praying for this week’s offering collection. Pianist Mia Kim presented an arrangement of As the Dear during the time of offering.
Dockery started the teaching time by reading Mark 12:35-13:36. Click here to listen to the audio.
After the teaching of God’s Word, a time of response and reflection was presented during the singing of Great is Thy Faithfulness. A number of announcements were given, then the gathered sang Happy Birthday to Janice Humpich, who celebrates today. Dockery closed the service with a benediction from 2 Peter.