November 7, 2010 AM Worship
As the time changed back to standard time this weekend, we thought we would change back to weekly posts. We hope you enjoy.
Today’s service opened with a reading of Psalm 116 by Deacon Donnie Aebersold. Minister of Worship and Praise, Dr. Johann Kim, brought the congregation into a time of rememberance of one of our members who recently passed away, then lead everyone through some classic hymns and a time of reflective prayer.
- Beneath the Cross of Jesus
- Near to the Heart of God
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- Face to Face with Christ, My Savior
After the congregation enjoyed a time of greeting each other and fellowshipping, Pastor Ben Dockery presented some announcements
- Souper Sunday tonight
- Business Meeting next week
- Senior Adult Day at SBTS
- Louisville Korean Woman’s 10th Anniversary Concert on November 13
- Family Movie Night on November 20, featuring Mary Poppins
- The reading of a thank you note from Gladys Funk
- Introduction of the 2010 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Pastor Ben then lead the congregation in a time of pastoral prayer, then Mickie Bainter read Romans 12:9-21. Before the offering was collected, the gathered sang Glorify Thy Name together and Deacon Gary Cook lead a prayer.
Today’s sermon, Why God Saves – Deuteronomy 9, was presented by Pastor Ben.
When we drive the devil out of our heart, do not be prideful to your self. Instead, praise GOD and do not be rightist to one’s self.
We are stiff necked people and do not deserve GOD’S love. As the Bible says, we are unholy and sinful toward GOD and deserve eternal separation from GOD. In other words, eternal death instead of eternal life with GOD.
Even though we disobey GOD and do not deserve to be loved by GOD, even though GOD is all loving, He graces us and He loves us.
The full audio can be heard by clicking on the controller, or right-click and select Save As to save the file to your computer.
November 7, 2010 am Why God Saves – Deuteronomy 9 (Ben Dockery)
After hearing the message, the choir sang We Remember You to bring the gathered into a time of celebrating the Lord’s Supper. Before Pastor Ben read a benediction, everyone sang O That Will Be Glory.